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Justice...Just What Is It Anyway?

If you think it's been a bad couple of days in Minneapolis and Atlanta, just think how bad it is for us in the Black Community when we...

Goodbye To A Basketball Legend: Kobe Bryant

I'm not going to start this blog giving you a bunch of stats you already know about. I will however tell you about a man who loved...

St. Louis: More Than Just A "Best Kept Secret"

Saint Louis, Missouri is home to a lot of talent whether they're known or not but unless we get past all the negativity of the city, we...

Interview With Sonia Nwajei (Blog Tour w/Paulette Harper)

Good morning. Your new book 26 Ways to Inspire Yourself which is the latest of three nonfiction titles. Starting at the beginning, what...

Amber Guyger: A Final Word On Forgiveness

Amber Guyger was just sentence to ten years for the murder of Accountant Botham Jean in his own apartment after Guyger mistakenly took...

My Two Cents: Bus Incident

This is my opinion about yesterday's bus incident. Note: I do not mince words and shout out to the driver who worked very hard to...

Rape Culture (At It's Worst)

I though after watching and reviewing the Surviving R. Kelly specials, I made my point. Then, I heard the story of Jasmine Eiland (Say...

Kamala Harris (Know Before You Decide)

Kamala Harris, the Junior Senator from California announced her candidacy for President of the United States January 21 on Good Morning...

Why The Black Panther Is More Than A Superhero Movie

As a self-proclaimed comic book geek, I am more than happy when I see us Black folks making dates and setting up excursions to see...

How We Failed Obama & Created Donald Trump.

I'm just going to start by saying how I was so tired of people saying how Obama did nothing for us especially black folks when he's done...

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