New J. Elliot Howard Project Coming This Fall

Book Cover (Designed By His Son Jerry Elliot Howard Jr.
Cover Reveal Soon
J. Elliot Howard
Originally from Findlay, Ohio, J. Elliot Howard, Sr. has been writing after arriving in Houston, TX at the age of 16. In his career he has a diverse communication background as a public speaker, columnist, and blogger.
He is also the host of the Millennial Money Management Podcast on the Tribe Family Channel. He is the author of the highly rated book Rewritten Lives.
He has earned has an M.A. in Communication Studies, and an MBA. He has also been active in the community working on projects for Man Alive, The Services Cooperative Association and The Epiphany Benefit Concert.
Rewritten Lives

Now in it's second printing under Hard Drive Publishing, Rewritten Lives is a book of poetry that touches the cycle of life. As on lives life, letting go, learning lessons, rough times, standing again, rebuilding, loving, and completion are the facets that keep repeating. As the heart grows, the spirit gets stronger, and these poems are the notes of development. Now, in it's second printing experience it again, then read J. Elliot Howard's second book Take A Walk With Me for more.
Take A Walk With Me

Take A Walk With Me follows along the journey started in my first book, REWRITTEN LIVES. Love is a journey as well as a spirit. This book of poetry takes on the concept that of all the people and connections in the world, there is one connection where the couple involved can walk up to the other and say "take a walk with me", and without question begin the journey. The poetry in this book serves as notes along the way.
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