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Writer's pictureH.D. Campbell

Zack Snyder's Justice League From An Author Who Loves Comic Books & Comic Book Movies

***Warning*** I worked hard to exclude spoilers but there's always a chance. Now here's the review.

When I learned Zack Snyder was approved to do a newer version of Justice League, I was so happy and disappointed at the same time because I knew what happened to the first version (which will be a second follow up blog shortly) and the news fell under deaf and skeptical ears. That was until you saw it.

Early reviews were positive earning 76 percent on Rotten Tomatoes at first and climbing into the 90s by the time I saw it. From beginning to end, I saw a wall to wall story. With the runtime being four hours and two minutes, I enjoyed every minute of it. It was the best of DC Comics in one movie.

As an author, I know the dangers of rushing a story to get done. When you rush a story just to get it done, readers won't get certain details and you lose your reader. That's what Joss Whedon's version did but Zack Snyder's version fixed everything. It filled in holes like Cyborg's (Ray Fisher) origin story which also focuses on his relationship with his scientist father Silas (Joe Morton). The Flash (Ezra Miller) and Aquaman (Jason Momoa) also got bigger stories personifying their characters. Many people asked where was this Justice League March 13, 2018 because this one four years later has a much stronger story. Not saying it could have competed with Avenger's Infinity War which came out April 23 of the same year but both would have had strong arcs.

With DC's hit and miss movies, Zack Snyder's Justice League well makes up for the misses. A lot of questions from the 2018 version were answered. The CGI wasn't perfect but it was a lot better for Steppenwolf who's not the only main antagonist. The CGI for his leader Darkseid (voice by Ray Porter) and his royal court. The storyline was the same with a lot of holes filled. Those were plot holes I believed were dug by Director Joss Whedon whereas you see that made 2018's Justice League look like a rushed movie.

Any doubts you have about DC Movies especially those directed by Zack Snyder, get it out of your head. Zack Snyder's Justice League now connects Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and (to some extent) Suicide Squad perfectly in ways the original didn't. These movies love them or hate them are now canon because of this newer version. Excellent writing, story from beginning to end and excellent characterization. I'm only left with two disappointments. My first disappointment is this may be Zack Snyder's last movie even though there's a lot to set you up for a series of movies. My second disappointment is that we'll never get that Ben Affleck solo Batman movie. Before Robert Pattinson took over the iconic role Ben Affleck was supposed to be in his own movie facing off against professional assassin Deathstroke (Joe Manganiello).

However, with the success of this movie and and upcoming Flash movie, Black Adam movie and an Aquaman sequel among others, this movie shows us hope that there are more great DC movies. I give the movie 4 and a half out of 5 stars.

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