As a forever student of the media and someone with a media background since high school, one of my biggest pet peeves is to hear it judged on a whole scale when it's one or two within an organization that makes it bad.
From the National Enquire back in the day to Fox news today, there are good and bad and no matter how you feel about these organizations, they were the birth of "fake news" or "yellow journalism" as it used to be called. Unfortunately, the media isn't just about news gathering. It's about entertainment. It's about promotion. It's about public service. I do apologize St. Louis can't catch a break with rising murder rate but the media isn't the enemy. That's a matter for our elected officials and our police department.
If we want to improve tourism and business and do more things here, you need to hit that problem at the source. To tell the media not to report the crime is sweeping things under the rug. In addition, you're doing a disservice to victims' families. You're telling their families you don't care about their loved ones. I know too many grieving families looking for justice on their loved ones. My criticism of the media in that respect is that more needs to be done to bring justice to the victims' families. If we keep this up, maybe we can have more justice.
Fortunately, I want to give a shout out to the journalists at The Real STL News & the VOP (Voice Of The People) News STL who goes out there and get those stories the mainstream news outlets either don't go on or don't find out until it's too late. I've seen them active in the event of missing loved ones as well as help in seeking justice for loved ones in the wake of gun violence.
Also know that media is more than just news gathering. That same media also are the ones people call upon to promote events, entrepreneurs, local artists and everything worth letting the public know. We as entrepreneurs, authors, artists and more need to realize how powerful media is in what we do. I personally will be doing more to promote those around me as my resources continue to grow daily by the grace of God who's given me the gift of hard work.
However, there's good and bad in all of media as there are good and bad in whatever your profession or passion is. What if every time you bring up your passion and every time I bring up ten things wrong with it. I've seen it happen and the first thing many of you want to say is people are haters. In other words stop looking for the bad in everything and start embracing what's good about life. Here's my take on it.